In this article I describe how to create Windows Store Apps using JavaScript for getting information of your location. I assume you can create a simple Windows Store App using JavaScript for more help visit My first Windows Store Apps .
This app shows your location, latitude, longitude and accuracy in meters and location status. The first time you run the sample, you'll get a prompt that asks if the app can use your location. Choose the Allow option. Click the Get Location button to get the current location. If the location data doesn't display, then make sure you've enabled access to the location by opening the package.appxmanifest in Solution Explorer and checking the Location in the Capabilities tab. If an administrator has disabled location services, your app won't be able to access the user's location. In the Control Panel, open Change Location Settings and confirm that Turn on the Windows Location platform is checked.
Write the following code in default.aspx:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Locations Apps</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/winjs/css/ui-dark.css" />
<script type="text/javascript">
var loc = null;
function getloc() {
if (loc == null) {
loc = new Windows.Devices.Geolocation.Geolocator();
if (loc != null) {
loc.getGeopositionAsync().then(getPositionHandler, errorHandler);
function getPositionHandler(pos) {
document.getElementById('latitude').innerHTML = pos.coordinate.latitude;
document.getElementById('longitude').innerHTML = pos.coordinate.longitude;
document.getElementById('accuracy').innerHTML = pos.coordinate.accuracy;
document.getElementById('geolocatorStatus').innerHTML =
function errorHandler(e) {
document.getElementById('errormsg').innerHTML = e.message;
document.getElementById('geolocatorStatus').innerHTML =
function getStatusString(locStatus) {
switch (locStatus) {
case Windows.Devices.Geolocation.PositionStatus.ready:
return "Location is available.";
case Windows.Devices.Geolocation.PositionStatus.initializing:
return "A GPS device is still initializing.";
case Windows.Devices.Geolocation.PositionStatus.noData:
return "Data is currently unavailable.";
case Windows.Devices.Geolocation.PositionStatus.disabled:
return "Your location is turned off. " +
"Change your settings" +
" to turn it back on.";
case Windows.Devices.Geolocation.PositionStatus.notInitialized:
return "Location status is not initialized because " +
"the app has not requested location data.";
case Windows.Devices.Geolocation.PositionStatus.notAvailable:
return "You do not have the required location services " +
"present on your system.";
Click on "Location" to see your location .<br />
<input type="button" onclick="getloc()" value="Location" /><br />
Latitude: <span id="latitude"></span><br />
Longitude: <span id="longitude"></span><br />
Accuracy (in meters): <span id="accuracy"></span><br /><br />
Location Status:<span id="geolocatorStatus"></span><br />
Error Message: <span id="errormsg"></span><br />
Write the following code in default.js:
function getloc() {
if (loc == null) {
loc = new Windows.Devices.Geolocation.Geolocator();
if (loc != null) {
loc.getGeopositionAsync().then(getPositionHandler, errorHandler);
function getPositionHandler(pos) {
document.getElementById('latitude').innerHTML = pos.coordinate.latitude;
document.getElementById('longitude').innerHTML = pos.coordinate.longitude;
document.getElementById('accuracy').innerHTML = pos.coordinate.accuracy;
document.getElementById('geolocatorStatus').innerHTML =
} function errorHandler(e) {
document.getElementById('errormsg').innerHTML = e.message;
document.getElementById('geolocatorStatus').innerHTML =
Your output will look like the following:
In this article I described how to get your location in Windows Store Apps using JavaScript. I hope you understand well.