Adding Phone Call Button On Entity Form

Can we do changes on Phone Call form under Social Pane?” I have seen this question many times on Microsoft Dynamics Forum. But social pane does not allow any customization at present, so there is no way to add custom fields over phone call form in social pane.

But we can always customize phone entity form, so as a workaround, we can customize actual phone call form and add our fields there and to access it easily we can provide a command button for user to initiate phone call.

Requirement: Add a phone call command button on entity form.

Solution: To implement this requirement easily we can use RibbonWorkbench tool. Scott has also written this nice post which helped me. If you want to restore the complete Activity dropdown on entity form, you can refer it.

So let’s say we want to add this button on account entity form, we need to follow below steps to implement this:

  • Create a custom solution and add account entity there, using Add Existing button->Entity and select account entity from there (select no under dependency dialog).

  • Download and import RibbonWorkbench solution into your CRM organization from here.

  • Double click on RibbonWorkbench solution and select your solution to open it.

  • Click on Ribbon tab and then select Form under drop down available in the top right corner.

  • Select Add tab next to Account and right click on phonecall button, then select Customize Command.

    Customize Command

  • Select phonecall button and copy image web resource URL for both 16X16 and 32X32 images.

  • Click on Command Bar tab and drag a new button and put it over Form section.

    Command Bar tab

  • Setup label and other properties for button.

  • Click on Command drop down and select the available command, also paste image web resources URL that we copied in earlier step.


  • Right click on command button and select Edit Display Rules.

    Edit Display Rules

  • Select “Mscrm.HideOnCommandBar” from right hand section and click on Remove->Ok.

  • Click on Publish button to save our changes.

Now when we will open any account record we will see the following button:

account record

Similarly we can add other activity buttons as well.

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