Globalization & Localization:
It is that part of .NET that deals with "Multi Lingual" Applications i.e the web
application which can generate content in different languages. The Dynamic
content which comes from the database will already be in a specific language we have
to explicitly take care of the static content we change from language to
For every language which we wish to support we add a RESOURCE FILE having key
value pairs ,the keys will be same but the values will change based on the language
which our application supports.
To the project we can have GLOBAL and Local Resource Files
The Difference between Global and Local Resource Files are, GRF: It can share
between many web forms, LRF: It has to share to a particular web form
*GRF(GlobalResource File)
*LRF(LOCALResource File)
- While dealing with multilingual If some
dynamic (language independent) text has to be stored in the database table
the column datatypes to be taken must be either nChar, nVarchar, nText.
- In Web.Config: <globalization
requestEncoding="Unicode" responseEncoding="Unicode"/>
"WebConfig" will decide how the text going to be encoded
Three steps for building a Multi-Lingual WebApplication
Creation of Resource files
Designing the WebForm so that the controls in it are linked to the Keys of resource
Set the culture settings with thread executing the request from the client
Creation of Resource Files
Local Resource File: These files must be present in the folder
App_LocalResources and the filename is based on the name of WebForm with which
the resource file is associated with.
- Create a new Web Application with
- To the root folder - RightClick - Add
ASP.NET Folder - App_LocalResources
- To App_LocalResources - RightClick - Add a
new Item - Resource File (provide name and Value pairs)
\AppName\App_LocalResources\Default.aspx.resx - Culture Neutral Resource File.
\AppName\App_LocalResources\ - French Neutral Resource File.
\AppName\App_LocalResources\ - French Belgium Resource
\AppName\App_LocalResources\ German Neutral Resource File.
![Globalization Resource]()
Global Resourse File in the folder App_GlobalResources: This is Global to all
the WebForms in a given web application. It can have any name and must be
present in the Root directory of the web application.
![Globalization Resource]()
Design the WebForm so that the controls are linked to Keys in Resource Files
Steps for setting the Explicit Expression:
- Select the control - RightClick -
Properties - Goto Expressions
- On the lefthand side select the property
to be initialized, set ExpressionType to Resources
- If the key has to be fetched from
LocalResources File directly set ResourceKey. Otherwise, to fetch from
GlobalResoucesFile first set ClassKey with the value of GlobalResource
Filename and then set ResourceKey
--------------------Explicit Expression From
Local Resource File------------------
<asp:Label Text="<%$Resources:lblRealNameTextKey %>"
ForeColor="<%$Resources:lblRealNameForeColorKey %>" ID="lblRealName" runat="server"/>
------------------Explicit Expression From Global Resource
<asp:Label Text="<%$ Resources:Settings, lblCompanyName %>" ID="lblCompanyName"
--------------------Implicit Expression-------------------
<asp:Label meta:ResourceKey="lblAddressKey" ID="lblAddress" runat="server"/>
Based on the key "lblAddressKey" the ForeColor and Text properties are
automatically fetched from the resouce file.
Note: Implicit expression cannot fetch keys from Global Resource File.
-------------------Fetching Values Programatically-------
<asp:Label ID="lblRealName1" runat="server" Font-Bold="False"></asp:Label>
--------------Culture Demos-------------------
<asp:Label ID="lblDate" runat="server"></asp:Label>
<asp:Label ID="lblAmount" runat="server"></asp:Label>
void Page_Load(object
sender, EventArgs e)
lblRealName1.Text = GetLocalResourceObject("lblRealNameTextKey").ToString();
lblRealName1.ForeColor =
decimal amt = 100.02M;
lblAmount.Text = amt.ToString("C");
lblDate.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString();
We can use GetGlobalResourceObject for reading the Key - Value pair from
Global resource file.
Any one of the following alternatives can be used for associating the culture
with the current thread / request in execution.
Alternative 1
We do it in the Web.Config file.
Note: If configured here the value would remain same for all the webforms
of the project and is not based on clients choice of language.
Alternative 2: In ASPX Page.
Page UICulture="auto"
Culture="auto" .
. . %> or
Page UICulture="de-AT"
Culture="de-AT" .
. . %>
CULTURE: It is based on value of culture the data and currency symbol
number formating is done
UICULTURE:The Appropate resourcefile is loaded
The Culture value can be set to specific cultures only, such as en-US or en-GB.
This prevents the requirement to identify the correct currency symbol to use for
en, where en-US and en-GB have different currency symbols
Users can set the UI culture and culture in their browsers. For example, in
Microsoft Internet Explorer, on the Tools menu, users can click Internet
Options, on the General tab, click Language, and then set their language
- Request.UserLanguages is a collection and
is based on the value (comma separated) of a request header
- If the value of Culture or UICulture is
set to "auto" then the value is taken from first value of request header
"User-Languages". This request header is initialized in browser by going to
Tools - Internet Options - Languages.
- If configured here then it has to be done
for every page and the value to be mentioned must be constant or "auto"
If the Culture settings of the thread has to be
set programatically, it must done either in InitializeCulture method of the Page
class or before it (Application_BeginRequest of Global.asax)
Alternative 3
void ddlCulture_SelectedIndexChanged(. . .)
Response.Cookies ["culture"].Value
= ddlCulture.SelectedValue; Response.Redirect(Request.Path);
protected override
void InitializeCulture()
if (Request.Cookies["culture"]
== null) return;
Page.Culture = Request.Cookies["culture"].Value;
Page.UICulture = Request.Cookies ["culture"].Value;
void Page_Load(object
sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
!= null) ddlCulture.SelectedValue =
Alternative 4
//Following should be written in Global.asax and this global to all the webforms
of the application.
void Application_BeginRequest(object
sender, EventArgs e)
if (Request.Cookies["culture"]
== null) return;
ci = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(Request.Cookies["culture"].Value);
= ci;
= ci;
- Based on the Culture value of the
CurrentThread the Formatting functions (like Date or Currency) render their
- Based on UICulture of the CurrentThread
the framework loads the appropriate resource file for all the culture
specific lookups.