It is used to manage a single deliverable, or work product, that can include multiple documents or files as a Single Entity. A Document Set is a special kind of folder that combines unique Document Set attributes, the attributes and behavior of folders and documents, and provides a user interface (UI), metadata, and object model elements to help manage all aspects of the work product. It allows you to group documents from multiple content types together and have its own metadata and versioning of all documents as a single entity with workflows of all documents managed as a single document.
In this article, I will go through the procedure to create a Document Set in SharePoint 2013.
Step 1
- Navigate to Site Settings and click Site Content Types and click New
- Select the Parent Content type as Document Set Content Types
![Content Types]()
Step 2
Navigate to the newly created Content Type and add the content types that you wish to be part of the Document Set as follows.
In this example, Image, Rich Media Asset and Picture have been added.
- Navigate to Document Set Settings.
![Document Set Settings]()
- Choose the content types.
![Choose the content types]()
Step 3
- Go to the Document Library where you need to set up the document set
- Navigate to the Library settings and click Allow management of Content types to Yes.
- Now select the DocSetContentType from New Document of your document library.
![document library]()
Step 4
The newly Document Set is as follows.
![newly document]()