Squadron Version Cleaner
You can find the documentation of Version Cleaner here.
What Squadron is
Squadron is a free SharePoint administration tool available at sharepointcto.
How to download Squadron
Squadron for SharePoint 2010 can be downloaded from the link below:
Download Squadron for SharePoint 2010
Squadron is built on Click Once deployment, so installation is simple and automatic updates are possible.
![Squadron updates]()
What Version Cleaner is
Version Cleaner helps you in recycling/deleting unwanted versions.
Why Version Cleaning is important
As you know, SharePoint relies on SQL Server for storage and the storage is determined by the size of document/items and each version takes up storage, it is important to clean up versions.
We can choose to remove versions that were created 1 year ago.
How to use Version Cleaner
Run Squadron from the Start Menu and choose Version Cleaner from the left panel.
![Version Cleaner]()
From the Step 1 panel select your site / library. You will get the library/list populated in the Step 2 panel.
Choose the Version Created days and click the "Find" button.
If you have versions enabled in some of the libraries and 365 days old versions exists on them, you will get it displayed in the Step 3 pane.
![old versions exists]()
You can choose the following actions:
- Move to Recycle Bin
- Delete
"Move to Recycle Bin" will make the version deleted from the list/library and can be restored later.
![version deleted from library]()
Choosing "Delete" will permanently delete the version.
Check / Uncheck
You can also check/uncheck multiple list/libraries from the Step 2 pane.
![check uncheck multiple list library]()
Please note that each version will take up the same amount of size. For example a document is 1 MB in size and there are 100 versions, the total size in use will be 100 MB. It is a good practice to include Version Cleanup in Governance Policies.
Squadron for SharePoint
In this article we have explored how to use the Version Cleaner add-in for Squadron.