In this article, I am trying to reveal the important permissions aspects of SharePoint 2010. Please note that this will be a subset of Security.
![Important permissions aspects]()
Here you can learn the associated jargon of Permissions.
What is Permission?
Permission is the term used to describe a secured action. Some of the Permissions are,
- View Item
- Open Site
- Read Item
- Delete Item
Why are Permissions needed in SharePoint?
Since SharePoint is a sharing & collaborative platform, without permission usage will lead to inappropriate data, file sharing issues, content manipulations etcetera.
What are the permission types?
In SharePoint, there are 2 types of Permissions.
- Unique
- Inherited
The Unique Permission (Custom Permission) is assigned for a particular securable object like site collection. Inherited Permission is the one inherited from its parent. Inherited Permission is easier to manage, but Unique Permissions give more granularity in control.
Often the terms Break Permissions & Break Inheritance are also used to define Unique Permissions. This is because we use the Break Permissions button on the particular item to provide unique permissions.
How to set Permissions?
For setting site permissions use the "Site Actions" > "Site Permissions" menu item.
![Site Actions]()
For setting list permissions use the "List" tab > "List Permissions" button.
![List Permissions]()
For setting item, document, and folder permissions right-click and in the context menu select the "Manage Permissions" menu item.
![Manage Permissions]()
What are Permission Levels?
Permission Levels are a group of Permission Items. We can associate a Permission Level with a user. Three of the pre-existing & most commonly used Permission Levels are.
- Full Control
- Contribute
- Read
Permission Levels provide easier manageability through a grouping of Permissions. We can also create custom permission levels.
What is SharePoint Group?
A SharePoint Group is a group of users. Grouping multiple users into a single group is the recommended way from Microsoft. By default, SharePoint groups are not nestable. (In contrast with Active Directory groups that are nestable.)
The following are the default recommended groups in SharePoint.
- Owners
- Contributors
- Visitors
We can assign Permission Levels to groups. The recommended permission level for groups is.
- Owners group can be assigned Full Control permission level
- Members group can be assigned Contribute permission level
- Visitors groups can be assigned Read permission level
How do you assign Permissions?
For assigning permissions, open the permission page.
![Assigning permissions]()
For granting permission to a particular user, choose the Grant Permissions button. In the dialog that appears enter the user/group name, resolve it, select permission levels & click the "OK" button.
![Granting permission]()
In the permissions page, you will see the new item is added.
![New item]()
What are the securable objects in SharePoint?
The following are the Securable Objects in SharePoint.
- Site
- List
- Library
- Item
- Document
- Folder
![Securable Objects]()
SPGroup & SPUser
Inside the Server Object Model, SharePoint Groups are represented through type SPGroup. SharePoint Users (Active Directory User/Group, Windows User) are represented through SPUser.
In this article, we have explored an overview of Permissions. In future chapters, you will see the Permission Toolbar items, Best Practices & Free Tools to work with Permissions.