This article describes what the NoConcatenate Operator is in QlikView using a SQL Server database.
The NoConcatenate Operator is used to prevent automatic concatenation, even if tables have the same set of fields. Automatic concatenation applies only when the name and number of fields are the same in two different tables.
Use the following procedure to create a sample of concatenation in QlikView.
Step 1: Open the QlikView application
In the first step you need to open the QlikView application then go to File -> New then this window will be opened.
![After clicking New option]()
Step 2: Open Edit Script
The second step is to open the edit script window from File -> Edit Script.
![window of edit script]()
Then this window will be opened.
Step 3: Select Database
The third step is to select the database from the data tab and click on the Connect Button.
![select database]()
Step 4: Data link property window
In this window we select SQL Server and click on the Next Button.
![data link]()
Step 5: Connection tab
In the connection tab enter the server name and user name and password and select the database from your server and click on Test Connection.
![test connection]()
Then you find that the connection has succeeded; click on the OK button.
![Confirm box]()
Then click on the OK button.
![ok box]()
Step 6: SQL Server login
Then the SQL Server login is required so enter a valid login id and password and click on the OK button.
![SQL serve]()
Then this box will be opened and select the table from your database.
Step 7: Select database
Now the next step is to select the database from the table.
![select statement]()
Then this box will be opened and select the table from your database.
Step 8: Write code and reload it
Now in the edit script, write this code and after this reload it.
Step 9: Save QlikView file
After reloading the edit script, the next step is to save the QlikView file and click on the Save button.
![save file]()
Step 10: Script execution progress
Then the script execution progress window will be opened and requires a login Id and password and click on the OK button.
![Script execution]()
Step 11: Sheet property window
After this process, the sheet property window will be opened. Now here you will see table fields. If you want to show these table fields as a list box then click on the Add button otherwise click on the OK button.
Step 12: Select a table
The next step is to select a table for displaying a table field in a table. Then go to Layout -> New Sheet Object -> Table Box.
Then this window will be opened. Here add all the fields to the table then click on the Ok button.
Now you will see this output.
Step 13: Do the No Concatenate operation
The next step is to open the edit script again and do a No concatenate operation in the edit script and reload it.
Step 14: Script execution progress
Then, again the script execution progress window will be opened and requires a login Id and password and click on the OK button.
![Script execution]()
Step 15: Sheet property window
After this process, the sheet property window will be opened. Now here you will see the table fields that we selected. If you want to show these table fields as a list box then click on the Add button otherwise click on the OK button.
Step 16: Select a table
The next step is to select a table for displaying a table field in a table. Then go to Layout -> New Sheet Object -> Table Box.
Then this window will be opened. Here add all the fields to the table then click on the Ok button.
Now, you will see after doing the Noconcatenate in the new table, the new table will not be added to the previous table. Whereas after doing the concatenation in the new table, the new table will be added to the previous table. So it is the major difference between concatenation and no concatenation.
Step 17: Table viewer of the table
If you want to see the table view of the table then press "Ctrl+T" or go to menu bar, there is an option for the table viewer.
![table view]()
Now you will see table view.
This article described how to do concatenation operations in QlikView. This article is very helpful when you are working with table data.
Previous article: Concatenation Operation in QlikView Application: Part 1