This article provides an introduction to sorting In QlikView applications.
Document properties of QlikView document
There are various document properties of QlikView documents. Then go to Settings -> Document properties.
I will now introduce what the Sort tab does in QlikView document properties.
Introduction to Sorting
Sort is also a part of document property. In this property tab, the sort order for the values of any field in the document can be configured. We can set the sort order of a field that can be set from list box properties. In this property tab there are more than sort order like state, expression, frequency, numeric, text, load order.
If you want to set the sort order of a field then select a field in the Fields list to the left, then you will find Sort by options in the right. In the Sort by group the default sort order of the field values in the sheet objects can be set. Changes made in this group will affect fields in sheet objects created after the change. Previously created sheet objects will not be affected. The options are described below.
State: Toggles the status whether the sorting procedure of values should be made by selection state. The selected values appear at the top of the list if this option is set. The sort order is: selected, possible, excluded ascending order.
Expression: In this property tab field values will be sorted depending on an expression that is entered into the text edit box below this sort option.
Frequency: Toggles the status whether the sorting procedure of values should be made by frequency.
Numeric Value: Toggles the status whether the sorting procedure of values should be made by numeric value.
Text: Toggles the status whether the sorting procedure of values should be made in alphabetical order according to the ASCII standard.
Load Order: Toggles the status whether the sorting procedure of values should be made in load order.
In the right side, you have seen that there is a reset button.
Reset: The reset button can be used to sort by state, sort by ascending and also sort by text.
This article provided an introduction to sorting in QlikView and describes what sorts are in document properties.