In QlikView, a button object works for making selections. In the button object we add an action for performing the actions. In QlikView there are so many actions that we can perform in a button. By depending on your choice you can add or delete various actions for the button. In QlikView, there are back and forward buttons. The back button object in QlikView can return you to your previous selection and the forward button object in QlikView can return you to the forward selection.
Create a bar chart in Qlikview
So let's start with these steps.
Step 1: Select button object
In the menu bar there is the option, "Layout"-> "New Sheet Object" -> "Button..." object and select it.
![button object]()
Step 2: New text object
Now this window will be opened and here you define the button object name and click on the action button for performing the operation on the button.
![button name]()
Step 3: Action tab
In the action tab click on the add button for adding the action.
![add button]()
Now this window will be opened and here you add an action and then click on the Ok button.
In this example I perform a clear all action; that means that if we select any data from a table or chart then by using this button we clear all the fields.
Step 4: If we select any data then this window will be looking like something and click on the clear button.
![selected data]()
After clicking on the clear button you will see all fields will be shown as previously.
Step 5: Change color button
If you want to change the color of a button then go to the properties of the button.
Step 6: Then this window will be opened and click on the color button.
Then this window will be opened.
Then this window will be opened and choose a color and click on the Ok button.
You will see the button color has been changed.
This article provides an introduction to the button object in QlikView and also describes how to create a button in QlikView and how to change the color of a button object. A button is a very important object in QlikView.