In this article we describe how to add an expression to a chart. When we add another expression it is always shown with a red line. In a previous article I discussed how to create a chart in a QlikView application.
Create bar chart in QlikView
Now I discuss how to add an expression to a chart. So let's start with the procedure.
Step 1: Go to the properties of the chart.
Step 2: Select the expression tab in the properties window.
Then the properties window is opened. Then select the expression tab and select the add button for adding the expression to the chart.
Step 3: Edit expression window
Now after clicking on the add button this window will be opened and here we declare an expression and click on the OK button.
Step 5: Now after clicking on the Ok button you will see another expression that we declare in the edit expression.
Step 6: Now you can see in the chart another expression represented by a red line.
![final 1]()
Step 7: If you select any data then it is shown with both the salary and empid because we added another expression as a total sum of empids.
![selected data]()
This article described how to add another expression to a chart. It is useful because we showed our chart with more than one field.