In my previous article I explained the Azure Traffic Manager, how to configure it and how it works. Now in this article I will explain Azure SQL Data Sync. I am assuming you have a basic understanding of SQL Server and SQL Azure Databases. Although this feature is still in the preview stage, it's very important for Disaster Recovery Concepts. Data Sync ServicesSync Services is provided by Microsoft Azure where you can keep a SQL Azure database synchronized with another database. You can take a backup of a database from one region to another region. There is a simple procedure you need to follow to configure this service. If not a complete database then you can at least keep selected tables or selected rows of tables synchronized.This service provides the following two ways to synchronize:
Here we will first see a way to synchronize databases. How to synchronize a SQL Azure database from one server to another sever (SQL Azure Server). Prerequisites for this demo: Create two SQL Azure databases with two regions (data centers).
With this procedure your Sync service creation is completed. You can see the status of your service on the Sync dashboard. Now the next step is to configure this Sync service. Sync Service Configuration Once you complete this Sync Service group you need to configure some important details for this service.Automatic Sync: (On / off) this is the trigger if you keep this on then it will automatically start the Sync process in the defined time.Sync Frequency: Here you will specify the time period for the next Sync process start. The minimum time frequency is 5 minutes and the maximum frequency is 1 month.Sync rules In Sync rules you need to select a list of tables / columns from source database. The first time you click on Sync rules it will show you the following message. Click on Define Sync Rules.You will get a list of tables and columns from the source database. Select the appropriate tables or columns that you want to synchronize with the other database. Save your Rules. Now to test you can manually synchronize this database using the Sync button that is given in the following panel. After completion of the Sync process, check your reference and Hub database, you will find the data synchronized depending on your Sync Rules.