In this article we will see how to pass data among various pages in a Windows Phone application.
There are various ways to pass data among pages. Here I am using the Query String method.
Create a new Windows Phone 8 application with a proper name and add one new page as shown in the following screen.
![Windows phone protect page]()
Now we shall be passing data from MainPage to Page1 using a Query String.
Create a button on the MainPage to pass data from MainPage to Page1 as shown in the following.
![enter page name]()
Now write the following code to pass data from MainPage.xaml to Page1.xaml.
C# Code
- private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- string Name = "C sharp Corner";
- string Technology = "Windows Phone";
- string uri = string.Format("/Page1.xaml?name={0}&&technology={1}", Name, Technology);
- NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri(uri, UriKind.Relative));
- }
In this demo we have passed the two variables name and technology.
Now go to Page1.xaml and add one button to get the data from MainPage as shown in the following.
![xaml page]()
Write the following code to get data from MainPage.
C# Code
- private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- string name = NavigationContext.QueryString["name"];
- string technology = NavigationContext.QueryString["technology"];
- MessageBox.Show("Name:" + name +" | "+"Technology:" + technology);
- }
Run the application by pressing F5 key directly in your keyboard. Click the “Go to Page1” button and “Get Data” button as in the following screen.