This article is for all web developers who want to see their website working in several languages (from languages this time I mean: regional and national languages).This is a simple procedure through which you can convert your complete website in described languages (almost 75-80: some of these languages are native Indian languages and others are foreign languages) within fraction, what you or the user must do is only perform a click operation on a button provided anywhere in your website. This unique functionality is provided by Google, it is known as the “Google Website Translator”. And you need to pay nothing for this unique functionality for your website. Here’s a simple stepwise procedure of it.There are 3 major steps in it named:
(First of all a page like this will be opened.)Step 1Website InfoThere are two steps in it:a. Website URL(You need to provide URL of your website here.)// in my case it is cshub.somee.comb. Website language(In this section you need to select original or default language of your website.)// in my case it is English >> Then click on the "Next" button(Now a page like this will be opened.)STEP 2: Plug in SettingsThere are 3 steps in it.a. Translation Languages In this section you need to select languages in which you wish to see your website.There are the following 2 options here:I. All languages (if you want your website in every pre-described languages)II. Specific language (or you can select a set of languages for your website)// in my case I did selected 1st optionb. Display Mode(First of all you need to select a sub display from one of these- inline, tabbed or automatic then from other 3 you need to select anyone of them.)// in my case it is INLINE and DROPDOWN ONLYC. Advanced(In this part you need to select a policy or issue for your website depending on your preference.)// in my case it is very 1st option.>> Now click on the "Next" Button.A page like the following will be opened:Step 3: Add PluginThere is no step in it, now you will get your auto-generated code here, use this code as it is, in your website. You can place it anywhere in your website, it’s on you.Now click the selector to translate the page.Enjoy this awesome feature provided by Google. Don’t forget to say thanks to Google.