Method Overriding in C#

This article explains method overriding and its various applications using examples in C#.

Method Overriding

Overriding can be defined as: being able to change or augment the behavior of methods in classes, known as overriding their logic; it is one of the most powerful aspects of Object Oriented Programming.


Suppose you have a Phone, no please don’t suppose everyone has a phone today, although some people even have more than one. Okay leave it, so if you have phone:

Method Overriding in C#

Then there must be ring facility in it:

Method Overriding in C#

Now your phone can be of any type, like it can be cellular, satellite or landline, these all types of phones will also have the same or a different functionality (based on their attribute).

Method Overriding in C#

Now whenever you receive a call, the caller doesn’t know whether you have a cellular phone, landline phone or anything else, he/she just calls you and according to that call operation your phone rings. In the case of method overriding, your phone works as a class and the ring is the functionality.

Method Overriding in C#

Keywords in Method Overriding

There are the following 3 types of keywords used in C# for method overriding:

Keywords in Method Overriding

Virtual Keyword

It tells the compiler that this method can be overridden by derived classes.

public virtual int myValue()  

Override Keyword

In the subclass, it tells the compiler that this method is overriding the same named method in the base class.

public override int myValue()  

Base Keyword

In the subclass, it calls the base class method for overriding functionality.


Method Overriding Example

using System;  
using System.Collections.Generic;  
using System.Linq;  
using System.Text;  
namespace Hello_Word  
    class baseClass  
        public virtual void Greetings()  
            Console.WriteLine("baseClass Saying Hello!");  
    class subClass : baseClass  
        public override void Greetings()  
            Console.WriteLine("subClass Saying Hello!");  
    class Program  
        static void Main(string[] args)  
            baseClass obj1 = new subClass();  

method overriding in c#

An output window is showing that baseClass will get called first and then subclass. If we make certain changes in this code like:

Console.WriteLine("subClass Saying Hello!"); // current scenario 

After making a few modifications as in the following:

Console.WriteLine("subClass Saying Hello!");  
base.Greetings(); // after modifications

Now our output will be like this:

method overriding in c#

If we remove "base.Greetings();" then the compiler will not call the baseclass as in the following:

using System;  
using System.Collections.Generic;  
using System.Linq;  
using System.Text;  
namespace Hello_Word  
    class baseClass  
        public virtual void Greetings()  
            Console.WriteLine("baseClass Saying Hello!");  
    class subClass : baseClass  
        public override void Greetings()  
            Console.WriteLine("subClass Saying Hello!");  
            // base.Greetings();  
    class Program  
        static void Main(string[] args)  
            baseClass obj1 = new subClass();  

method overriding in c#

Now making some other changes, like placing:

baseClass obj1 = new baseClass();  

Instead of:

baseClass obj1 = new subClass();  

Now let’s check the output window, what’s its showing now:

method overriding in c#

So as you are seeing that now its calling only the baseClass. So now I guess you will be a little closer to the method overriding functionality.

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