Here we will see how to create a Popup in a LightSwitch Application (Visual C#) in Visual Studio 2012.
The following is the procedure for creating a popup modal in LightSwitch 2012.
Step 1
Open the Solution Explorer.
![sol ex.jpg]()
Step 2
In the Solution Explorer, right-click on the Screens and choose Add Screen.
![Add src.jpg]()
Step 3
The Add New Screen dialog box appears. Select the "New Data Screen" from the Screen Template, under screen information, choose "None" under screen data and provide a name to the Screen and click the "OK" button.
Step 4
The Application Designer appears.
![app desi.jpg]()
Click on the "Add" Button. A dropdown list will appear and from that select "New Group".
![New Group.jpg]()
Step 5
A row layout appears on the screen.
![grp added.jpg]()
Click on the Row Layout, a drop down list will appear and from that list, choose "Modal Window".
![Modle window.jpg]()
![modle win added.jpg]()
Step 6
Under Application Designer, go to the menu bar and select "Add Data Item".
![Add data item.jpg]()
Step 7
The Add Data Item dialog box appears on the screen. Select the Local Property radio button and select String from Type drop down, enter the name as "Important Message" and click "Ok".
![imp mess dialog.jpg]()
We will see that the Data Item is added to the left hand side of the Screen.
![imp message prop added.jpg]()
Step 8
Now drag the Data Item on to the Screen. and set the control type to Label.
![drag message.jpg]()
![Label ctrl type.jpg]()
Step 9
In order to add a close button, right-click on the modal window and choose "Add Button".
![Add Button.jpg]()
The Add Button dialog box appears on the screen.
![button dialog.jpg]()
Step 10
Right-click on the Close Button and choose the "Edit Execute" method.
![edit execute code.jpg]()
Add the following code to the CloseButton_Execute() method:
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.IsolatedStorage;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.LightSwitch;
using Microsoft.LightSwitch.Framework.Client;
using Microsoft.LightSwitch.Presentation;
using Microsoft.LightSwitch.Presentation.Extensions;
namespace LightSwitchApplication
public partial class CreateNew
partial void CloseButton_Execute()
Step 11
Similarily add an Open button. The Add button dialog box appears on the screen.
![open but meth.jpg]()
Step 12
Right-click on the "Open" Button and choose the "Edit Execute" method.
![open edit exe code.jpg]()
Add the following code to the OpenButton_Execute() method.
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.IsolatedStorage;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.LightSwitch;
using Microsoft.LightSwitch.Framework.Client;
using Microsoft.LightSwitch.Presentation;
using Microsoft.LightSwitch.Presentation.Extensions;
namespace LightSwitchApplication
public partial class CreateNew
partial void CloseButton_Execute()
partial void OpenButton_Execute()
this.ImportantMessage = "How are you";
Step 13
Press F5 to run the application.
Click on the Group button.
![group dialog.jpg]()
Click on the Open Button; we will see:
![click open button.jpg]()