In this article I describe how to create permission using LightSwitch in Visual Studio 2012.
Here, we learn how to define a permission for our application. The permission can be assigned to a user or a group of users. At run time, the permission can be used to enable or disable screens when the application loads.
Permission in LightSwitch
We can define permission for:
- Screens
- Commands
- Data Entries
- Queries
Test your code by running the application as both a user who has the permission and as a user who does not have the permission.
![img permi.jpg]()
1. Creating a permission in LightSwitch
Step 1
Open the Solution Explorer in LightSwitch Visual Studio 2012.
Image 1
Step 2
In the Solution Explorer double-click or right-click and select "Properties".
Image 2
Step 3
The Application Designer will appear.
Image 3
Step 4
Choose the "Access control" option in the Application Designer.
Image 4
Step 5
Select the type of authentication to use and in this use form authentication.
Image 5
Step 6
In the "Define permissions or select permissions to use for debugging" node click on "<Add New Permission>" then type "Can_View_Employee" under "Name".
Image 6
Step 7
Similarily, under the "Display Name" column type "View Employee".
Image 7
Step 8
And in the same manner under the Description column type "Provide access to the employee screen".
Image 8
![no permission.jpg]()
Step 9
Under the "Grant For Debug" column mark the checkbox as checked then the table will appear or if we mark the checkbox as unchecked then the table will not appear on the screen.
Image 9
2. Writing code to set permissions for the screen
Step 1
In the Solution Explorer we will "Add Screen".
Image 1
Step 2
"Add New Screen" will appear.
Image 2
Step 3
Now we will select a screen template as "New Data Screen" and in the screen data we will select "Emp1Tables" and click "OK".
Image 3
![new screen.jpg]()
Step 4
The Screen Designer will appear for the Screen.
Image 4
Step 5
In the "Write Code List" choose the "CreateNewEmp1Tables_CanRun" method.
Image 5
Step 6
In the CreateNewEmp1Tables_CanRun method write the following code:
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.IsolatedStorage;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.LightSwitch;
using Microsoft.LightSwitch.Framework.Client;
using Microsoft.LightSwitch.Presentation;
using Microsoft.LightSwitch.Presentation.Extensions;
namespace LightSwitchApplication
public partial class Application
partial void CreateNewEmpTable_CanRun(ref bool result)
if (Current.User.HasPermission(Permissions.Can_View_Employee))
result = true;
result = false;
We can grant permission by marking the checkbox as checked in the "Grant for debug" column. It allows the screen to be displayed as the current user that has been granted permission to view it.
Image 1
If we do not mark the checkbox in the Grant for debug column then it does not allow the screen to be displayed as the current user that has not been granted permission to view it.
Image 2