Article Tag and Address Tag in HTML5

Article Tag

The <article> tag represents an article. This tag specifies independent self-contained content. An article should make sense on its own and it should be possible to distribute it independently from the rest of the site. This tag is used to insert an article on the current page.
The content of the article tag displays in the browser whereas the content of the comment tag will not be displayed. The <article> tag is introduced in HTML5. HTML4.01 does not support the <article> tag.
An example of the possible content type in a <article> tag are:
  1. Newspaper article
  2. Magazine article
  3. Forum  post
  4. Blog entry
  5. User comment  
Syntax of <article> tag in HTML5:
<article>Content of the article</article>
Browser Support
The <article> tag is supported in Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Opera, Chrome, and Safari.
 Internet Explorer 8 and earlier versions, do not support the <article> tag.
Example of Article Tag in HTML5
  1. <!DOCTYPE html>  
  2. <html>  
  3.    <head>  
  4.       <title>Article and Address Tag in HTML5</title>  
  5.    </head>  
  6.    <body>  
  7.       <!--Implementation of Article Tag in HTML5 -->  
  8.       <article>  
  9.          <h1>Article Tag in HTML5</h1>  
  10.          Article Tag is used to insert the article at the current page.  
  11.          <ul>  
  12.             By using article tag we can perform a lot of operations  
  13.             <li>Forum Post</li>  
  14.             <li>Blog Post</li>  
  15.             <li>News</li>  
  16.             <li>Comment</li>  
  17.          </ul>  
  18.       </article>  
  19.       <hr/>  
  20.       <footer style="color:Blue">  
  21.          This article has been written by Ashwani Tyagi.  
  22.       </footer>  
  23.       <hr/>  
  24.    </body>  
  25. </html> 

Address Tag

The <address> tag defines the contact information about the owner of the article or document. The <address> tag must not be used to represent any postal address unless the address represents the contact information. In order to display the postal address, we simply use the <p> tag.
If the address tag is inside the <body> element, it represents the contact information about the document and if the <address> tag is inside the <article> element, then it represents the contact information about that article. Usually, text inside the <address> tag occurs in italic form.
<address>tag cannot contain <article>,<nav>,<aside>,<header>,<footer>,<section> tags.
Syntax of <address> tag in HTML5
<address>Content of the address</address>
Browser Support
The <address> tag is supported in all major browsers.
Example of Address Tag in HTML5
  1. <!DOCTYPE html>  
  2. <html>  
  3.    <head>  
  4.       <title>Article and Address Tag in HTML5</title>  
  5.    </head>  
  6.    <body>  
  7.       <!--Implementation of Address Tag in HTML5-->  
  8.       <address>  
  9.          <h1>Address Tag in HTML5</h1>  
  10.          <a title="Posted By Ashwani" href="mailto:[email protected]">mcn solution</a><br>On February 6,2013  
  11.       </address>  
  12.       <hr/>  
  13.       <footer style="color:Blue">  
  14.          This article has been written by Ashwani Tyagi.  
  15.       </footer>  
  16.       <hr/>  
  17.    </body>  
  18. </html> 

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