MVC stands for Model View Controller which is not a programming language but is a design pattern which is used to develop the application. The application which has developed by using MVC design pattern will get divided in 3 Components. In which Model will contain all the data which will get retrieve on the request of user. View will contain UI code and Controller will contain Business logic code.
MVC Properties
MVC Properties are the following:
- Loose Coupling
- Light weight code
- Effective looks
- More Security
- Easy Testing
Loose Coupling
Loose coupling is one of the properties of MVC which is referred as one component get interact with another component without any mediator. In MVC, Model get interact to View, View get interact to Controller and Controller get interact to Model without any mediator as in the following figure:
Figure: Loose Coupling (Photo has used to symbolic purpose only)
Light weight Code:
MVC based developed application contains less code compared to the application which has developed in other based. The application which get develop by using MVC design pattern contains very less code compared to traditional way of development of application as in the following figure 1 and 2:
![Light weight Code]()
Figure 1: Light weight Code MVC Code (Photo used for symbolic purpose only)
Figure 2: Old way to write the code which contains more code (Photo used for symbolic purpose only)
Effective looks
User Interface of application which has developed using MVC design patterns will be more effective compared to the application which has been developed in traditional way (ASP.NET). The looks of UI has been compared by the following figure EL(a) and Fig EL(b).
Figure EL(a): Effective looks (Photo used for symbolic purpose only)
Figure EL(b): Bad look (Photo used for symbolic purpose only)
The application which has been developed in MVC design pattern will be more secure and trustable. The security of MVC has been shown in the following figure:
Figure: More Security (Photo used for symbolic purpose only)
Easy Testing:
![Easy Testing]()
Figure: Easy Testing (Photo used for symbolic purpose only)
Testing of application which has been developed on MVC design pattern is very easy. MVC based application gets divided in 3 components, so it is very easy to test the component separately without effecting any component.