Introduction to Python

Introduction to Python


A python is an object-oriented, procedural, and high-level language. It was developed by Guido Von Rossum in 1990. In Python, there are classes, exceptions, modules and data types. It is derived from the other languages C, C++, Unix cell and many others. Python is a conveniently transported, widen, large standard library.

Guido Von Rossum
Version of Python
The following are the versions of the Python language:
Python 1.0- January 1994
Python 2.0- October 16, 2000
Python 3.0- December 3, 2008
The latest version of the Python language was launched on May 15, 2013. The new features in this version are syntax and a library module.
Basic Python Language Element
In the Python language, the data types are string, float, and an integer. An integer is like a= 5*4 and float like d= 6.335. For introducing the string we use double quotes ( " " ) or single quotes ( ' ' ). It is also possible to use triple quotes ( """ """" ). In this language use # for comments, like " # This is my Article.. ".

The basic operators are as in other programming languages that use addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Python supports strings using the addition operator. It will support a single-line statement. The example of a one-line if the clause is:
The output is:

Using a For loop in the Python language means executing the statement many times. It is slightly different here, the user introduces their own iterables by creating objects. An example of a For loop from 1 to 3, running 3 times is as in the following:
The output is:
In the Python language, there is also the loop statement like a for loop, nested loop and using break and continue loop control statements. The Python language also supports a database API, database server like MySQL, Oracle. There is also support for multithreading, networking. The Python language uses some library like "smtplib", that is used to send mail.
Python is a dynamically typed, strong language, It supports the internet communication engine ICE. It runs everywhere, in platforms like Windows, Mac, Linux, Unix, and many other operating systems.


This article was a small introduction to the Python language, which is easy to learn and easy to understand. Python is an interactive, interpreted, and object-oriented language.

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