In this article we will cover nearly all the scenarios of compile-type polymorphism, the use of the params keyword in detail and case studies or hands-on to multiple possible combinations of the thoughts coming to our mind while coding.
Method Overloading or Early Binding or Compile Time Polymorphism:
1. Let's create a simple console application named InheritanceAndPolymorphism and add a class named Overload.cs and add three methods named DisplayOverload having varying parameters as follows.
- public class Overload
- {
- public void DisplayOverload(int a){
- System.Console.WriteLine("DisplayOverload " + a);
- }
- public void DisplayOverload(string a){
- System.Console.WriteLine("DisplayOverload " + a);
- }
- public void DisplayOverload(string a, int b){
- System.Console.WriteLine("DisplayOverload " + a + b);
- }
- }
In the main method in the Program.cs file, add the following code:
- class Program
- {
- static void Main(string[] args)
- {
- Overload overload = new Overload();
- overload.DisplayOverload(100);
- overload.DisplayOverload("method overloading");
- overload.DisplayOverload("method overloading", 100);
- Console.ReadKey();
- }
- }
Now when you run the application, the output is:
DisplayOverload 100
DisplayOverload method overloading
DisplayOverload method overloading100
The class Overload contains three methods named DisplayOverload, they only differ in the datatype of the parameters they consist of. In C# we can have methods with the same name, but the datatypes of their parameters differ. This feature of C# is called method overloading. Therefore we need not remember many method names if a method differs in behavior, only providing different parameters to the methods can call a method individually.
Point to remember: C# recognizes the method by its parameters and not only by its name.
A signature signifies the full name of the method. So the name of a method or its signature is the original method name + the number and data types of its individual parameters.
If we run the project using the following code:
- public void DisplayOverload() { }
- public int DisplayOverload(){ }
We certainly get a compile time error as:
Error: Type 'InheritanceAndPolymorphism.Overload' already defines a member called 'DisplayOverload' with the same parameter types
Here we had two functions who differ only in the data type of the value that they return, but we got a compile time error, therefore another point to remember is:
Point to remember: The return value/parameter type of a method is never a part of the method signature if the names of the methods are the same. So this is not polymorphism.
If we run the project using the following code:
- static void DisplayOverload(int a) { }
- public void DisplayOverload(int a) { }
- public void DisplayOverload(string a){ }
We again get a compile time error as in the following:
Error: Type 'InheritanceAndPolymorphism.Overload' already defines a member called 'DisplayOverload' with the same parameter types
Can you differenciate with the modification done in code above, that we now have two DisplayOverload methods, that accept an int (integer). The only difference is that one method is marked static. Here the signature of the methods will be considered the same as modifiers such as static are also not considered to be a part of the method signature.
Point to remember: Modifiers such as static are not considered to be a part of the method signature.
If we run the program as in the following code, consider that the method signature is different now.
- private void DisplayOverload(int a) { }
- private void DisplayOverload(out int a)
- {
- a = 100;
- }
- private void DisplayOverload(ref int a) { }
We again get a compile time error as in the following:
Error: Cannot define overloaded method 'DisplayOverload' because it differs from another method only on ref and out
The signature of a method not only consists of the data type of the parameter but also the type/kind of parameter such as ref or out and so on. Method DisplayOverload takes an int with differing access modifiers, in other words out/ref and so on, the signature on each is different.
Point to remember: The signature of a method consists of its name, number and types of its formal parameters. The return type of a function is not part of the signature. Two methods cannot have the same signature and also non-members cannot have the same name as members.
- public class Overload
- {
- public void Display()
- {
- DisplayOverload(100, "Akhil", "Mittal", "OOP");
- DisplayOverload(200, "Akhil");
- DisplayOverload(300);
- }
- private void DisplayOverload(int a, params string[] parameterArray)
- {
- foreach (string str in parameterArray)
- Console.WriteLine(str + " " + a);
- }
- }
- class Program
- {
- static void Main(string[] args)
- {
- Overload overload = new Overload();
- overload.Display();
- Console.ReadKey();
- }
- }
We get the output:
Akhil 100
Mittal 100
OOP 100
Akhil 200
We will often get into a scenario where we would like to n number of parameters to a method. Since C# is very particular in parameter ing to methods, if we an int where a string is expected, it immediately breaks down. But C# provides a mechanism for ing n number of arguments to a method, we can do it using the params keyword.
Point to remember: This params keyword can only be applied to the last argument of the method. So the n number of parameters can only be at the end.
In the case of the method DisplayOverload, the first argument must be an integer, the rest can be from zero to an infinite number of strings.
If we add a method like:
private void DisplayOverload(int a, params string[] parameterArray, int b) { }
We get a compile time error as in the following:
Error: A parameter array must be the last parameter in a formal parameter list
Thus is is proved that the params keyword will be the last parameter in a method, this is already stated in the latest point to remember.
- public class Overload
- {
- public void Display()
- {
- DisplayOverload(100, 200, 300);
- DisplayOverload(200, 100);
- DisplayOverload(200);
- }
- private void DisplayOverload(int a, params int[] parameterArray)
- {
- foreach (var i in parameterArray)
- Console.WriteLine(i + " " + a);
- }
- }
- class Program
- {
- static void Main(string[] args)
- {
- Overload overload = new Overload();
- overload.Display();
- Console.ReadKey();
- }
- }
When we run the code we get:
200 100
300 100
100 200
Point to Remember: C# is very smart to recognize if the penultimate argument and the params have the same data type.
The first integer is stored in the variable a, the rest are made part of the array parameterArray.
- private void DisplayOverload(int a, params string[][] parameterArray) { }
- private void DisplayOverload(int a, params string[,] parameterArray) { }
For the preceding written code, we again get a compile time error and a new point to remember as well.
Error: The parameter array must be a single dimensional array
Point to remember: the error above says it all.
The data type of the params argument must be a single dimensional array. Therefore is allowed but not [,]. We also are not allowed to combine the params keyword with ref or out.
- public class Overload
- {
- public void Display()
- {
- string[] names = {"Akhil", "Ekta", "Arsh"};
- DisplayOverload(3, names);
- }
- private void DisplayOverload(int a, params string[] parameterArray)
- {
- foreach (var s in parameterArray)
- Console.WriteLine(s + " " + a);
- }
- }
- class Program
- {
- static void Main(string[] args)
- {
- Overload overload = new Overload();
- overload.Display();
- Console.ReadKey();
- }
- }
Akhil 3
Ekta 3
Arsh 3
We are therefore allowed to a string array instead of individual strings as arguments. Here names is a string array that has been initialized using the short form. Internally when we call the function DisplayOverload, C# converts the string array into individual strings.
- public class Overload
- {
- public void Display()
- {
- string [] names = {"Akhil","Arsh"};
- DisplayOverload(2, names, "Ekta");
- }
- private void DisplayOverload(int a, params string[] parameterArray)
- {
- foreach (var str in parameterArray)
- Console.WriteLine(str + " " + a);
- }
- }
- class Program
- {
- static void Main(string[] args)
- {
- Overload overload = new Overload();
- overload.Display();
- Console.ReadKey();
- }
- }
Error: The best overloaded method match for 'InheritanceAndPolymorphism.Overload.DisplayOverload(int, params string[])' has some invalid arguments
Error:Argument 2: cannot convert from 'string[]' to 'string'
So, we get two errors. ![]()
For the preceding code, C# does not permit mix and match. We assumed that the last string “Ekta” would be added to the array of string names or convert the names to individual strings and then the string “Ekta” would be added to it. Quite logical.
Internally before calling the function DisplayOverload, C# accumulates all the individual parameters and converts them into one big array for the params statement.
- public class Overload
- {
- public void Display()
- {
- int[] numbers = {10, 20, 30};
- DisplayOverload(40, numbers);
- Console.WriteLine(numbers[1]);
- }
- private void DisplayOverload(int a, params int[] parameterArray)
- {
- parameterArray[1] = 1000;
- }
- }
- class Program
- {
- static void Main(string[] args)
- {
- Overload overload = new Overload();
- overload.Display();
- Console.ReadKey();
- }
- }
Output: 1000
We see that the output produced is the proof of concept. The member parameterArray[1] of array has an initial value of 20 and in the method DisplayOverload, we changed it to 1000. So the original value changes, this shows that the array is given to the method DisplayOverload and that provides the proof.
- public class Overload
- {
- public void Display()
- {
- int number = 102;
- DisplayOverload(200, 1000, number, 200);
- Console.WriteLine(number);
- }
- private void DisplayOverload(int a, params int[] parameterArray)
- {
- parameterArray[1] = 3000;
- }
- }
- class Program
- {
- static void Main(string[] args)
- {
- Overload overload = new Overload();
- overload.Display();
- Console.ReadKey();
- }
- }
In the preceding mentioned scenario C# creates an array containing 1000 102 and 200. We now change the second member of array to 3000 that has nothing to do with the variable number. As DisplayOverload has no knowledge of numebr, so how can DisplayOverload change the value of the int number? Therefore it remains the same.
- public class Overload
- {
- public void Display()
- {
- DisplayOverload(200);
- DisplayOverload(200, 300);
- DisplayOverload(200, 300, 500, 600);
- }
- private void DisplayOverload(int x, int y)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("The two integers " + x + " " + y);
- }
- private void DisplayOverload(params int[] parameterArray)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("parameterArray");
- }
- }
- class Program
- {
- static void Main(string[] args)
- {
- Overload overload = new Overload();
- overload.Display();
- Console.ReadKey();
- }
- }
The two integers 200 300
Now we talk about method overloading. C# is extremely talented though partial. It does not appreciate the params statement and treats it as a stepchild. When we invoke DisplayOverload only with one integer, C# can only call the DisplayOverload that takes a params as a parameter since it matches only one int. An array can contain one member too. The fun is with the DisplayOverload that is called with two ints now. So here we have a dilemma. C# can call the params DisplayOverload or DisplayOverload with the two ints. As said earlier, C# treats the params as a second class member and therefore chooses the DisplayOverload with two ints.When there are more than two ints like in the third method call, C# is void of choice but to grudgingly choose the DisplayOverload with the params. C# opts for the params as a last resort before flagging an error.
Now for an example that is a bit trickier, yet important.
- public class Overload
- {
- public static void Display(params object[] objectParamArray)
- {
- foreach (object obj in objectParamArray)
- {
- Console.Write(obj.GetType().FullName + " ");
- }
- Console.WriteLine();
- }
- }
- class Program
- {
- static void Main(string[] args)
- {
- object[] objArray = { 100, "Akhil", 200.300 };
- object obj = objArray;
- Overload.Display(objArray);
- Overload.Display((object)objArray);
- Overload.Display(obj);
- Overload.Display((object[])obj);
- Console.ReadKey();
- }
- }
System.Int32 System.String System.Double
System.Int32 System.String System.Double
In the first instance we are ing the method Display an array of objects that looks like an object. Since all the classes are derived from a common base class object, we can do that. The method Display gets an array of objects, objectParamArray. In the foreach object the class has a method named GetType that returns an object that looks like Type, that too has a method named FullName that returns the name of the type. Since each of three types are displayed. In the second method call of Display we are casting objArray to an object. Since there is no conversion available for converting an object to an object array, in other words object [], only a one-element object [] is created. It's the same case in the third invocation and the last explicitly casts to an object array.
For proof of concept, see the following.
- public class Overload
- {
- public static void Display(params object[] objectParamArray)
- {
- Console.WriteLine(objectParamArray.GetType().FullName);
- Console.WriteLine(objectParamArray.Length);
- Console.WriteLine(objectParamArray[0]);
- }
- }
- class Program
- {
- static void Main(string[] args)
- {
- object[] objArray = { 100, "Akhil", 200.300 };
- Overload.Display((object)objArray);
- Console.ReadKey();
- }
- }
5. Conclusion
In this article of our Diving Into OOP series we learned about compile-time polymorphism, it is also called early binding or method overloading. We catered most of the scenarios specific to polymorphism.We also learned about the use of powerful the params keyword and its use in polymorphism.