Creating your first Project in Android Studio 1.0


On Dec 08, 2014, Google released the Android Studio stable version 1.0 with some advanced features. Google has released Android Studio 1.0 that is more intelligent than before and has more functionality than the traditional Eclipse. A flexible Gradle-based build system was also introduced that is quite snazzy in performance.
Step 1
Double-click on the Android Studio Icon from the desktop or from wherever you put it. You will see know the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) launching or starting as shown in the following figure. 
After it has been launched click on "File" > "New Project" as shown in the following figure.
creating a new project
Step 2
When Android Studio starts it will ask whether to configure and name as well. Moreover it will ask you to define a location or define your workspace for project creation as shown below. Most importantly, for the package name try to write a unique package name because at the time of deployment at the app store it is very possible that your package name might match another application's package name so be aware of that and click next. 
configuration of app
Step 3
Now this step will ask you to choose the minimum version required to run this application just for compatibility and as well as the target version of Android is the highest by default. For example, if we choose 4.1 jelly bean as the minimum then the versions below jelly bean 4.1 will no longer be able to execute your application. 
selection of android version
Additionally, this version of Android Studio has an Android TV option and Android wear as well as Android Glass option. However, I have not installed the glass version. But you may install it. There is no need to worry and click next.
android version next
Here we are just trying to develop applications for phones and tablets only.
Step 4
Choosing a Blank Activity or any other activity as you wish, it depends upon the type of project you are developing. Just for the sake of clarity we avoid other activities and just select Blank activity as shown in the figure and click next.
choosing blank activity
Step 5
After choosing a blank activity you must provide it a name as shown in the figure.
naming the blank activity
Step 6
After clicking on finish all other tools and components will load within the seconds and you will see two fragments of Main and activity main.xml as shown in the figure.
This figure shows that all the internal components are loading up after clicking the Finish button. code
activity main .java
This is just for illustration purposes of how the code looks in the newer release of Android Studio. This is the default code for hello world. It seems to be a different color code than the Eclipse IDE.
activity main.xml


It seems that while going through this procedure that Android Studio has been modified and is the most intelligent version compared to the traditional Eclipse IDE development. However, this article is just illustrating how to crawl to a new project and get it ready from the development perspective.

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