Animated Sky Screen Saver Using C# Console Application


In this article I explain, how to create a Sky type Screen Saver using the random function in a C# console application.

So let us start step-by-step
  1. Open Visual Studio from Start - - All programs -- Microsoft Visual Studio.
  2. Then go to to "File" -> "New" -> "Project..." then select Visual C# -> Windows -> Console application.
  3. After that specify the name such as Skyscreen or whatever name you wish and the location of the project and click on the OK button. The new project is created.
Create the random function as follows:
random method.png
Use the following do while condition in the Main method:
Now run the application; the output will be as follows:
  • Download the zip file for more code
  • Wait after running the application for more clear output

I hope you will enjoy with this sample application.

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