Sending Email to Multiple Recipients Using ASP.Net


This article explains how to send emails to multiple recipients from an ASP.Net C# web application. Let us see step-by-step so beginners also can understand how to send emails from any provider. Their are many techniques to send emails from ASP.Net but in this article we will use a SMTP server with the Gmail provider to send the emails.


  • Active internet connection.
  • Email id of any provider such as Gmail, Yahoo or your organization to send emails.

Let us create the application to send the emails from ASP.Net as:

  1. "Start" - "All Programs" - "Microsoft Visual Studio 2010".
  2. "File" - "New Project" - "C#" - "Empty web site" (to avoid adding a master page).
  3. Provide the project a name, such as "SendingEmailsToMultipleRecipients" or another as you wish and specify the location.
  4. Then right-click on Solution Explorer and select "Add New Item" - "Default.aspx" page and one class file.
  5. Drag and drop three Text Boxes and two buttons.
Then the source section of the Default.aspx page looks as in the following:

aspx page Code

To send Emails in ASP.Net, the following namespaces must be added:

using System.Net.Mail;
using System.Net;

To learn about the two namespaces above refer to the MSDN.

Now, move to the web.config file and add the email credentials in the app setting section so in the future, if your email credentials are changed then their is no need to change them in your code file since you can simply the change values in your app settings of the web.config file. After adding the credentials, the app setting section of the web.config file looks as in the following:

config file


In the preceding app the Settings section adds your valid email and word so emails can be sent from your email id to others.

Now add the separate class file by right-clicking on the Solution Explorer, however this is not necessary since you can also write this code in the default.aspx.cs file but for flexibility we are adding it in a separate code file.

After writing the email sending logic code, the class file will look as in the following:

Class File code

In the preceding class file, we have created one simple static function to send the emails that takes three parameters that are:

string ToEmail: recipient email id
string Subj: subject of the email
string Message: Email body or message

Logic to add  multiple  recipient's Email Ids

In the preceding class file I used a foreach loop to add the multiple recipient's Email Ids but before that we are using the comma (,) separated input email ids from user in one string "Tomail" then we are splitting the input sting with (,) commas and added to one string array named "Multi" then using a foreach loop we are adding each email id to the mailaddress.

I hope you have understood that.

Now call the preceding static function on the button click of the "default.aspx.cs" page as in the following:

CS File code

I hope you have done all the preceding steps,


If you are adding multiple recipient Email Ids then add the multiple Email Ids separated by commas (,) because in the email function we are splitting the Email Ids with commas (,), If you want some other logic to add or split Email Ids then make the relevant changes in the Email function.

Now run the application and add the email details in all the text boxes and click on the send button as in:

Send Email

From the preceding example we learned how to send emails to multiple  Recipients, I hope you have done it.

  • For detailed code please download the Zip file attached above.
  • Don't forget to update the "Web.config" file for your email credential details.


We learned how to send emails to multiple Recipients using ASP.Net. I hope this article is useful for all students and beginners. If you have any suggestion related to this article then please contact me.

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