In the previous article you saw how to insert and select data from a database to a HTML table. In this article you will see how to update data in a database through HTML table. Using the update statement you can update data in your database.
$con=mysql_connect ("localhost","root","");
mysql_select_db ("mcn",$con);
if(@$_POST ['up'])
$s="update employee set Designation='$b',Sal='$c',Qualification='$d' where Name='$a'";
echo "Your Data Updated.";
mysql_query( $s);
$con=mysql_connect ("localhost","root","");
if(@$_POST ['sel'])
echo $ins=mysql_query ("select * from employee");
echo "<table bgcolor=skyblue border='2' align=center>
<th colspan=4>Select Data From Employee Table</th></tr>
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($ins))
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th>".$row ['Name']."</th>";
echo "<th>". $row ['Designation']. "</th>";
echo "<th>". $row ['Sal']."</th>";
echo "<th>".$row ['Qualification']."</th>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>"
<body bgcolor="pink">
<table bgcolor="skyblue" border="2">
<form method="post">
<td colspan=2 align="center">Employee Table</td>
<td>Name</td><td><input type="text" name="txt1"></td>
<td>Designation</td><td><input type="text" name="txt2"></td>
<td>Sal</td><td><input type="text" name="txt3"></td>
<td>Qualification</td><td><input type="text" name="txt4"></td>
<td><input type="submit" name="up" value="Update"></td>
<td><input type="submit" name="sel" value="Select"></td>
First of all we select a table from the database like as in the following image. In the following table we will change the field of Manish Tewatia.
In the employee table we will fill the column for Manish Tewatia such as in the following image.
In the above table we filled designation, sal, qualification of Manish Tewatia. When you will click on the update button then your data will be updated.
When you select a table from your database then you will get the update data of Manish Tewatia. Like as in the following image.
In the above table you will see, the designation, sal, qualification changed of Manish Tewatia.
So in this article you saw how to update data in the database. Using this article one can easily understand update statement in PHP.
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