Visual studio Lightswitch is a Microsoft tool.
Which is used for building business applications. If you want to make some notes
using a rich text box in a LightSwitch application then you can.
Step by step solution for create the rich text
box in Lightswitch
Step 1 : First of all open Visual studio
Lightswitch then create new table.
Step 2 : Create table like
Step 3 : Go to notes property->Unmark
display by default->Blank the maximum length.
Step 4 : Now we add a list and details
screen. Right click on screens->Add screen.
Step 5 : Select list and details
screen->Select screen data (NoteTaker_People)->Mark the checkbox->Ok.
Step 6 : Go to ListColumn property and
set the sizing i.e. left and stretch.
Step 7 : Right click on name in command
Step 8 : Move notes from screen to
command bar.
Step 9 : Run application (Press F5).
Click on + sign and fill data. Now you can enter unlimited text in the notes.
As you know Visual Studio LightSwitch is a Microsoft tool which is used for building
business applications. If you want to enter unlimited text into any property then you can. For this purpose you will fix the maximum length of any
property like as notes.