In this article I will tell you how to take backup of Joomla site. In the previous article I described how to install and use simple image gallery in Joomla in PHP.
First of all we will download the Akeeba backup component from this link:
Step 1. After downloadiing the Akeeba component we will go to the admin panel of the Joomla site. Then we will go to Extension -> Extension Manager.
Step 2. Now we will browse the Akeeba component zip file.
Step 3. Select the Akeeba component zip file from your computer, then open it, as in the following image:
Step 4. Now click on the Upload & Install. After uploading and installing the component you will get a message saying "Installing component was successful".
Step 5. Now we will go to component -> Akeeba Backup.
Step 6. Now check Run Configuration Wizard then click on Apply these preferences.
Step 7. Now click on the Backup Now.
Step 8. Now we can enter a Backup comment then click on the Backup Now button.
Step 9. After clicking on the Backup Now button your Backup process will begin, as in the following image:
Step 10. Upon completion of the backup process we will click on Administer Backup Files.
Step 11. Now you can see your backup files, as in the following image:
In this article you saw how to take backup of Joomla Site. Using this article one can easily understand the backup process of Joomla sites.