We will use a bunch of CheckBoxLists and bind them using SQL Server.Initial ChamberStep 1Open Visual Studio 2010 and create an empty website, name it CheckBoxList_demo. Step 2In Solution Explorer, you will get your empty website. Add a web form and SQL Database using the following procedure.For Web Form:CheckBoxList_demo (your empty website): right-click and select Add New Item Web Form. Name it CheckBoxList_demo.aspx. For SQL Server Database:CheckBoxList_demo (your empty website): right-click and select Add New Item SQL Server Database. Add Database inside the App_Data_folder.Database ChamberStep 3In Server Explorer, click on your database Database.mdfTables and Add New Table. Form a table as in the following:Table, got tp tbl_data [don't forget to make ID as IS Identity -- True] This is our data that we will bind to the CheckBoxList and show at run time.Design ChamberStep 4Open your CheckBoxList_demo.aspx file from Solution Explorer and start designing your application.Here's the code: